


The import feature DOES NOT convert your existing Roblox project into a Mantle project. Do not import, then deploy a place with Mantle without first testing on a staging environment as you may destroy your assets.

Mantle provides an import command that allows you to import your existing Roblox experience into a Mantle project. However, the import process can be dangerous and may result in the deletion of your assets. This guide will walk you through the process to ensure that you do not lose any of your assets.

Temporarily use local state management

If you're using remote state management, we recommend temporarily switching to local state management for the rest of this process to:

  1. simplify editing the state file, and
  2. prevent unintentional deploys based on your remote state during the process which could delete your assets.

To temporarily switch, you can follow these steps:

  1. Run mantle state download
  2. Edit your mantle config file to use local state management (e.g. comment out the state object)

Backup your state file

The import process requires making manual changes to your state file. We recommend backing up your state file if it's not already to ensure you can restore it later.

Target your desired environment

Importing your experience will overwrite the state file in the environment you are targeting. Therefore, before importing, you should make sure you are targeting the environment you want to import your experience into. For example, if you want to import your experience into the production environment, first ensure you have configured the production environment in your mantle config file:

  - label: production
    branches: [prod]

Then, ensure you are targeting the production environment by either:

  • checking out an associated git branch (if you have specified one), or
  • passing the --environment (or -e) flag to the import command.

Import your experience

Run mantle import --target-id <EXPERIENCE_ID> to import your experience.

After the import command finishes, you can look at your state file to verify it has populated your targeted environment's resources.

DO NOT run mantle deploy with this state file until completing the following steps or you may lose your assets.

The imported state file includes all of the resources in your experience that Mantle knows about, however they have not been linked to your local project yet.

Understand how Mantle will deploy your experience

If you were to deploy your experience now, Mantle would:

  1. Build a "desired" state based on your project's configuration and the files in your project
  2. Compare the "desired" state to the "current" state (the state file you just imported)
  3. Delete any resources in the "current" state that are not in the "desired" state
  4. Create any resources in the "desired" state that are not in the "current" state
  5. Update any resources in the "current" state that exist in the "desired" state but have changes
Note that if a resource is not present in the state file, Mantle does not know it exists when it deploys your project and will therefore never update or delete it.

The way Mantle determines if a resource is in the "current" state is by generating an ID for the resource when it builds the "desired" state. This ID is generated differently for different resource types.

Therefore, in order to ensure a safe deployment, you must update each resource in the state file in one of three ways:

  1. The resource matches a Mantle-managed resource and already has the correct ID and inputs. You should leave it as-is.
  2. The resource matches a Mantle-managed resource but has the wrong ID or inputs. You should update its ID or inputs to the correct ones.
  3. The resource does not match a Mantle-managed resource. You should delete it from the state file so that Mantle will ignore it.

Update your state file

You'll need to update your state file according to the above description. Follow the steps below for each resource type.

When updating the inputs for image-related resources, you'll need to provide the fileHash for the image. The simplest way to do this will be to get it from the inputs of the matching resource in a different environment that is already managed by Mantle. Alternatively, leaving it as fake-hash will simply cause Mantle to update the image, even if it hasn't changed.

Resources with correct IDs and inputs

The following resources should have the correct IDs and inputs already and can be left as-is:

  • Experiences (experience_singleton)
  • Experience Activation (experienceActivation_singleton)
  • Experience Configuration (experienceConfiguration_singleton)
  • Experience Thumbnail Order (experienceThumbnailOrder_singleton)

Experience thumbnails

Imported ID formatManaged ID format

Example: given the below project structure and Mantle config, make the changes to the state file.

Project structure
  • mantle.yml
  • direct-thumbnail.png
    • thumbnail-1.png
    • thumbnail-2.jpg
  • Mantle config
          - direct-thumbnail.png
          - marketing/thumbnail*
    -    - id: experienceThumbnail_57595630
    +    - id: experienceThumbnail_direct-thumbnail.png
    -          filePath: fake-path
    +          filePath: direct-thumbnail.png
    -          fileHash: fake-hash
    +          fileHash: 14fff07f4eb2cc47fd4014d1b6693ba1d18a5ae461a8fd78c3bbaae6eef0544d
              assetId: 57595630
            - experience_singleton
    -    - id: experienceThumbnail_57595629
    +    - id: experienceThumbnail_marketing/thumbnail-1.png
    -          filePath: fake-path
    +          filePath: marketing/thumbnail-1.png
    -          fileHash: fake-hash
    +          fileHash: 59440408d802ee81458373a2bb4bd1be0a8c4c74fc5995bc67726ec3e6c0cdd4
              assetId: 57595629
            - experience_singleton
    -    - id: experienceThumbnail_57595628
    +    - id: experienceThumbnail_marketing/thumbnail-2.jpg
    -          filePath: fake-path
    +          filePath: marketing/thumbnail-2.jpg
    -          fileHash: fake-hash
    +          fileHash: 3a4f4d3b506f2a2a394f74ac0725854ca160707e9882b42682b77a5a1175f3c8
              assetId: 57595628
            - experience_singleton


    Switch back to remote state management

    If you switched to local state management, you can now switch back to remote state management by following these steps:

    1. Edit your mantle config file to use remote state management (e.g. uncomment the state object)
    2. Run mantle state upload (this will replace your remote state with the local state file you modified as part of this process)